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Welcome to ReFolkUs Trailer

Welcome to ReFolkUs

· 01:37


 Welcome to ReFolkUs - a podcast that helps you find your focus to build a thriving creative career in the music industry. I'm your host, Rosalyn Dennett.

The folk community is emerging from one of the most turbulent and disruptive periods that the live music industry has ever seen. Now as we continue to rebuild our lives and our livelihoods, the question of how to strategize and where to focus your career has never been more important. That's why Folk Music Ontario is launching ReFolkUs - a new podcast for artists and music professionals who want to learn how to make money, find their creative community, and stay grounded and healthy in its intensely stressful, but heart-centered industry.

Each episode, we tap into the most inspirational minds from every corner of the music business to discuss careers, mental and physical health, and ultimately creating a life and living of your dreams.

Subscribe now to ReFolkUs. That's R E F O L K U S - wherever you get your podcast, so you never miss an episode.

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